Monday, April 24, 2006

Help You

When Julia needs a hand with something - climbing a ladder at the playground, reaching a book on a high shelf, being carried downstairs, trying to pull my hammer off a counter onto her skull - she says, "Help you?" (or "Help you!" if she's in that kind of mood).

Last night, she woke up whimpering, which was out of character, so I went in to see if something was the matter. After a few minutes of rubbing her back, she had calmed down. Just as I was about to leave, she sneezed violently and started scrubbing at her face. In the half-light, I couldn't see exactly what she was doing, but then she reached her hand up toward me, saying quietly, "Help you?" I reached down to grab what she was offering, and found it was a giant wet booger. Of course, I took it, blew her nose, and then disinfected my hand with gasoline and a blowtorch.

She went right back to sleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is fabulous and got a hearty laugh out of me. nice to hear from you christopher. sorry i've been awol for so long! must catch up soon!!

2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so classic! Did you tell her "thanks for the help"??!!

9:37 AM  

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