Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Wind Chronicles Continued

Remember that post I wrote a couple of months back about the incredible windiness of Northfield? And wondering if it is always like this here, and if anyone besides me notices? Well, in case you were sitting there wondering how the wind has been in our new hometown (which I'm sure you were, right?), I'll update you. Five minutes ago I was in the laundry room when I heard a huge crash coming from our backyard. Turns out, our ENTIRE PATIO SET, meaning the table and all four chairs, encased in a green and white striped vinyl patio furniture cover, just BLEW OFF OUR PATIO INTO THE NEIGHBOR'S YARD, taking our garden lantern stake down with it.

Now imagine me, 6 months pregnant with a sizeable belly to show off, dressed only in a camisole and a flimsy summer skirt that keeps blowing up in the wind, with barefeet, running around the next yard trying to lug a table and four chairs back to our own patio in a wind that felt like it was trying to blow ME into someone else's yard. All while Julia watched in amazement from her highchair, munching crackers and green peas for her morning snack.

Um, yeah....it's still pretty windy here.


Blogger Elise said...

Wow. That's some kind of wind. Personally, I HATE the wind - windy days make me crazy. So I'm glad I'm not dealing with that!

11:33 AM  
Blogger Christopher Tassava said...

Where was your husband while this was happening? He sounds like a big-time slacker.

11:46 AM  

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