Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Slow Day, Plus Some Writing News

It is 9:45 a.m. and Julia and I are still in our pajamas. (How reminiscent of her newborn days! Yikes.) This even though she's been awake since 6:30. Usually we get dressed and ready for our day quite early, but today for some reason we're in slow mode. Maybe it's because I hurt my knee yesterday doing squats and lunges along with my favorite workout DVD. (Maybe that's my cue to stop working out with non-prenatal exercise DVDs--you know, a subtle message: Hey lady, you're almost 6 months pregnant and your belly threatens to topple you forward with every lunge; it's time to accept your inner pregnant fatty and stop the workout heroics already, okay?) Or maybe it's because Julia is a grump today from only napping an hour yesterday and then refusing to go to sleep until after 8 last night, and she doesn't feel like cooperating with the morning routine. At any rate, we've already had breakfast AND morning snack, done two loads of laundry, and Swiffed the kitchen floor, all in our jammies. (Julia thought the latter was hilarious, and kept saying, "Mama and Julia cleaning! In jammies!" over and over as we swept.) Anyway, we're without a car today, so we're going to head out soon for a walk around our "neighborhood" (I use the term VERY loosely), if we can get our clothes on. Hopefully we can go see the ducks on the pond, the pink flowering trees, and the wind turbine across the nearby field without some kindly neighbor unwittingly scaring the wits out of Julia by, you know, saying "hello" or something like that.

In other news, I just got word that an essay of mine is going to be published in the June issue of The Mothers Movement Online. It won't be published for a few weeks, but check back here for more details coming soon!


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