Thursday, July 06, 2006

Jumping on the Bandwagon

It's time, people. You know it, I know it, Christopher's been encouraging it for the past three months.

Yes, I'm talking about my own blog, Mama in Wonderland, where from now on you will find my writing about parenting, motherhood, Julia, and (soon) the new baby's entry into our family. Bookmark it for easy access, and check it out when you can!

As I say in my introductory post on Mama in Wonderland, I hope it will serve as an interesting way for our loved ones to hear the latest about Julia (and her baby sister, when she arrives). Grandparents, especially, are insatiable when it comes to stories about their grandbabies, I have noticed!

A couple things: Scroll down the Mama in Wonderland page to the very first post or two for a little Wonderland intro. And if you use Microsoft Explorer to navigate the Internet, the screen may not look right when you go to the blog. As Christopher lectures me daily, you should really be using Safari or Firefox or something else good. Finally, if you do check out the blog, I'd love a comment letting me know you've been there, and what you think, if you can.


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