Thursday, February 09, 2006


Julia's new new favorite game is "Topple." The instant I arrive home every day, she runs up for a kiss or hug or whatever and then races away to the sofa, yelling "Dopple! Dopple!" and pulling off as many of cushions and pillows as possible. When I catch up, I move one of the seat cushions off the sofa. She climbs up into the empty spot and, arms up over her head, throws herself down onto the remaining cushion. Over and over. Every day she seems to do it a little more vigorously. She insists that I say some made-up word that sounds like "Jaboosh!" every time she does it. I can't mix up the syllables or say another word, lest I get the infamous, "No, no, no." And if those weren't enough rules, she also gets to determine whether I should say it "youd" or "kwee-it." Once in a while, when she gets out of breath, she stops and tells me, "Daddy, dopple" and then I have to dopple, too, preferably yelling "jaboosh" as youdly as possible.


Blogger Elise said...

Yay! I love Julia stories. That game sounds awesome.

9:52 PM  

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