Thursday, January 12, 2006

19-month old Humor

Julia's favorite two jokes at present:

1. Respond affirmatively to a ridiculous question, then take it back. E.g.,
Q: "Julia, is kitty wearing a hat?"
A: "Uh-huh!" Sly smile, glance at cat, tilt head adorably: "Noooooooooo."

2. Do the "pata" thing. A few days ago, Mom was using the pasta scoop to put a few rotini on Julia's highchair tray, and Julia leaned in, mouth open wide, to pretend to take in the whole giant scoop. We all thought that was as funny and clever as anything on the Daily Show, and so now Julia will, especially but not only at the table, say, "Pata!" and then open her mouth as wide as possible, giggling.


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