Tuesday, May 10, 2005

How Lynne Cheney Might Critique My Infant Daughter's Book Collection, part 2

Baa! I'm a Sheep
A dull, predictable exercise in liberal identity politics, devoid of any sense that the cow is a member of a natural hierarchy and owes ultimate allegiance to larger nation of barnyard animals. Sheep squeaks (not baas) when pressed.

Moo! I'm a Cow
Ibidem. Includes drawings of pink sheep, clearly intended to advance the homosexual ovine agenda.

Oink! I'm a Pig
Ibidem, albeit with blatant anti-semitic overtones.

Neigh! I'm a Pony
Not read. Title suggests that book may propose knee-jerk contrarianism even in the face of widespread pastoral consensus around the president's goals.


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